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Sunday, September 12, 2010

The question I asked Thomas L Friedman

"What is your view on the ban on outsourcing in the state of Ohio?Dont you think this will deny countries like india a level playing field in today's "Flat World"?Well...this was the question I asked Thomas L Friedman.If you cant recognize him then I must tell you he is the famous New York Times columnist who came up with the idea of the "Flat World".In his book "The World is Flat" he suggested that in today's world technology has enabled third world countries like India to compete with developed countries in a level playing field.Now as the competition becomes more intense the developed countries (especially the USA) resort to protectionist steps like ban on outsourcing.
Today it seems that Obama administration will go ahead with this anti outsourcing stance.I was quite eager to know what Friedman himself was thinking about this.So I asked him this question
through twitter.Will his "Flat World" cease to exist in near future?He has not replied as yet....

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