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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is "green way of living" a luxury?

It is often articulated in developing countries like India that "going green" is a luxury.As the green measures will put a break on industrialization and building infrastructure.
The phycology of the people in developing countries can be understood by using Maslow's hierarchy of needs.Maslow's hierarchy says humans will fulfill basic needs before moving on to higher level ones. If you're unemployed and dont have a house to live global warming will not be your biggest concern.When a person is stuck at safety needs, they cannot rise to social needs.In the developing
countries we have most of the people pushed into fear/survival level.At that level, anything beyond personal selfish survival is disregarded, or seen as hurting survival.These people dont have time to
think about an environmental issue like global warming.They are quite busy earning their livelihood.

A similarity can be seen between today's developing states and southern states in USA during civil war.When president Lincoln proposed to abolish "slavery" the southern states violently opposed that move.These states were dependent primarily on slaves for agriculture which the
main occupation in the south.They opposed a noble idea like abolition of slavery only because it would affect their livelihood.

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